"Motivated by Love, Succeeding by Excellence."
We are a small innovations company, working across industry segments, always with a values-based focus to make the world a better place. Our specialty is finding opportunities where technology and engineering can be combined with psychology and ​behavioral design to create products and services that make people thrive.
We want to use our know-how to help other companies, large and small, be more efficient in making the world a better place in their respective domains. We have years of experience in teaching and we offer workshops ranging from a few hours to several days. Our main consulting focus is on Design Sprints and Behavioral Design workshops.

Founded in 2016 by Norwegian STEM teacher, Kristoffer L. Øpstad, Creation Creates AS focused primarily on Wateachu, an in-house-developed edtech-solution, in the first years of operation. However Creation Creates was always intended to be a multi-disciplinary innovations company united not by industry segments, but by values and vision.
Our motto is "Motivated by Love, Succeeding by Excellence" and we genuinely believe in making the world a better place. Though that may sound like an entrepreneurial clichè, we believe that what our friends at Praxis calls "redemptive entrepreneurship" is a profitable way forward, both in terms of revenue, environmental sustainability and human flourishing.
After some years in edtech and some years in a somewhat dormant state, Creation Creates is now moving towards a revival of the innvations company it was meant to be. Our current projects include an ergonomic desk for children, a nature-imitating running deck for treadmills, and an app for helping children spend more time being physically active outdoors and spending less time in front of their smartphones.
Our founder Kristoffer has lead a number of student teams through week-long Design Sprints the last years and from 2021 onwards we are offering workshops for companies.
We are still a small start-up with big dreams and in the near future we hope to take on more projects and more team members, all to fullfill our dream of making the world a better place.